At TORRO we are all proud of the products we create and love to share them with our loyal customers. With a focus on quality, craftsmanship and design, everything that we set out to achieve follows these key principles. As the difference is in the detail, every finishing touch is carefully considered to deliver the best experience to TORRO customers throughout their journey. With that in mind, we wanted to address a couple of our frequently asked questions.

What is the Bull’s Head Tag For?

When first receiving select TORRO products, you will find that is comes with a leather bull’s head tag cut-out attached. We include this as it allows to see and feel a sample of the premium leather which your accessory is made from. This is not designed to fit in our logo cut-out but rather to give you the opportunity to appreciate the quality of the natural material used to make your new accessory.

Interestingly, we’ve had customers feedback to us in the past that they love this so much, they use the cut-out as a keyring and have received many comments on it from friends and family alike. If there is anything else that use the tag for then we would love to know!

Why is the TORRO Logo Cut from the Leather?

For many years now, our logo on most of our products has been cut-out from the leather by laser to show both the logo and the contrasting microfibre lining. This has received overwhelmingly positive feedback over time due to this giving both the logo and the case itself a more authentic and pronounced finish. The premium leather used in TORRO products combined with our striking insignia as a finishing touch is what really makes your TORRO accessories stand out from the crowd.

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